Take a look at these last few quotes from 2010 EYE Interviews for more ideas and wisdom for the New Year. Hope these thoughts have inspired you to expand your world in some small or large way. Now let’s take on 2011…
“These women have faced almost insurmountable obstacles, but they have a tremendous ability to adapt. They are the voice of the ‘Women of Kireka’ jewelry business and are making it all possible.”
“If you are truly passionate about a cause, motivation to act comes easy. Time that never seemed available appears. And after you take the first step, the adrenaline kicks in and your ambition to help is accelerated.”
“As I got out of bed this morning I thought about the amazing worth and power of the imagination, how it literally determines everything: one’s ability to love life, make a living, understand others, and -as a writer-create a story. When the imagination dims, we do too.”
“But what really blew me away researching “No Excuses” was to find that it was no longer external barriers holding women back. Women can now raise money as well as men, are trusted by the voters more than men, and when they run, they are statistically as likely to win.”
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