We wanted to add more quotes from some of our 2o11 TWE Interviews as we get ready for the challenges of this new year. They may inspire you to take on a new journey, task, or just reflect on what is possible…
Pia Carusone–Rep.Gabby Giffords’ Chief of Staff
“I think for people who are enduring challenges whether medical or otherwise, Gabby’s showing that you have to dig deep. Sometimes you’re sad and feel you can’t go on anymore. We all have those moments including her. But Gabby has that eternal attitude that you can’t ever give up.”
Laura Collins, Creator of “F.E.A.S.T.”
“ED (Eating Disorder) is a life-long, genetic predisposition but not necessarily a lifelong illness. People can fully recover and live normal lives free of their eating disorder, particularly if caught early and treated assertively.”
Heatherjean MacNeil–Founder of “Proxy Apparel”
“I do feel lucky. It’s been really challenging to start a business. It almost wasn’t a choice. Once I had the vision and was able to combine all these passions that I have, it felt like-and continues to feel like-what I’m meant to do.”
Nancy Santullo–Crusader for Clean Water
“Water is the vehicle, but it’s really secondary. The journey is awakening humanity’s potential…making the impossible possible. I believe that our lives are interconnected and that as we help one child, we help all our children.”
Alissa Finerman–Life Coach
“In a short period of time, people can really recreate their opportunities. My favorite quote is by Nelson Mandela: ‘It is always impossible until it is done’. There is always a reason why something can’t be done. We need to shift our mindset and focus on why it can be done.”
Lee Woodruff–Author
“I can say we are all built to survive. We are resilient. If you’re in your dark moments, I promise you will laugh again and touch joy again in your heart. Things are possible…I hope we constantly reinvent ourselves as we get older, wiser and find new passions.”
Mary Skinner–Documentarian
“I hit middle age and I realized that I was either going to lose my mind or I was going to do what I was truly called to do. If the door was going to be closed, well then, what did I have to do to open it. And that’s how it started…”
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