By Stacey Gualandi (@StaceyGualandi)/July 19, 2013
TWITTER: @AnnMurrayPaige
Over the past two years, on TWE Radio and here on The Women’s Eye, we have followed along on Ann Murray Paige’s emotional and inspiring life journey…sprinkled with a lot of humor, tips and …oh yeah, cancer.

This seasoned journalist, former New England anchorwoman, wife and mother of two, says her life changed in a “profound and permanent” way when she was diagnosed, at 38, with breast cancer in 2004.
Not one to retreat into a pool of pity, Ann chronicled her journey in The Breast Cancer Diaries; she started a non-profit called Project Pink, and she became a masterful blogger for
Then, in 2010, she was told the cancer had metastasized to her lungs. Again, she faced it head on by writing the ultimate “cancer CliffsNotes,” Pink Tips. She even took her on-air talent and writing skills and produced a one-woman show, “In the Pink.” She was ready to take it on the road after two performances when, earlier this year, she was told … again… that the cancer had found its way to her brain and liver.
But we’re not worried. This gal has got what it takes to beat this… and a lot of that she says is having the right attitude. Ann took time during her recent chemo treatments to share how she’s doing, her thoughts on Angelina Jolie’s recent headline-grabbing surgery and winning The One Hundred award in front of a hometown Boston crowd.
Here’s her moving acceptance speech after receiving the award from the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center hosted by “The Office” star John Krasinski.
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