November 24, 2021
Around Thanksgiving time we think about gratitude and how important the concept is. We remember the podcast Stacey Gualandi did several years ago with Oscar and Grammy-winning songwriter Paul Williams and Tracey Jackson, a noted screenwriter, co-authors of Gratitude & Trust–6 Affirmations that Will Change Your Life.
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We met them at Book Passage in Corte Madera during one of their terrific author events. Paul and Tracey reminded us then and still do today how having gratitude can have a great impact on our lives. Time to check back with their interview and listen to their insight
This book contains six affirmations that Paul and Tracey say can impact your day-to-day living in very rewarding ways. New York Times bestselling author Annie Lamott gives it an excellent recommendation:
“This amazing book is about a revolutionary concept–recovery for the non-addict, for those who have longed for what their recovering friends have: a spiritual path, healthy company, and a little light to see by. Williams and Jackson have great insight into our shared problems, solutions, humanity, craziness, and dreams. Plus, they will make you laugh, and give you hope…”
Hope you enjoy this podcast. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
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