TWE RADIO: “Welcome Home” Host Treger Strasberg On Humbly Helping the Homeless

By Stacey Gualandi/December, 2018
Be sure to tune in to a BRAND NEW interview with Treger Strasberg on The Women’s Eye Radio with Stacey Gualandi . Strasberg founded Humble Design, an organization that furnishes homes – and furnishes hope – to the needy. She is also the host of the CW’s new weekly show “Welcome Home.”
In the words of one of her employees, “Treger is a tornado,” and it’s easy to understand why. In just ten short years, she started a small Detroit-based operation that gathers donated, gently-used furniture for families transitioning out of homelessness; transformed 1200 homes; opened three other branches in Seattle, San Diego and Chicago; and together with her co-host and husband Rob, launched “Welcome Home,” based on Humble Design.
Strasberg has been a big supporter of The Women’s Eye almost since day one! She first joined me in 2012, then again in 2013, and now – five years later – we wanted to check back in with this social entrepreneur to see how she and the non-profit she built is doing!
TWE Radio host Stacey Gualandi talks to Treger Strasberg about her nonprofit Humble Design and how she has turned empathy into action for the homeless.

Strasberg says she likes to leave a place a little better than how she found it – something I prefer to call “The Treger Effect.” Only one percent of those they have helped have gone back to homelessness.
She says her biggest impact is working one-on-one with the families. An admitted “chronic crier,” Strasberg says watching the mother’s suffering ease touches her heart, whether she likes it or not. And it is those moments that ultimately led to her tv show.
“We want to humanize the process,” she says proudly. “What brings me the most joy is sitting on the floor of a barren house, with no beds, no furniture…looking at a mom’s eyes and telling her tomorrow is going to be better,” says Strasberg. “That is my favorite moment and I get to do it over and over again.”
So many lives have been changed by Humble Design and Strasberg says it is her life’s passion (“I’ll be 95 and dragging dressers, ha!”) to help keep people in affordable houses.
During our interview, she shares why she found success, how she navigates through fear, and what is the best advice for turning empathy into action. (“Take baby steps”).
Thanks, Treger, for being part of the Women’s Eye family! Good luck with all you do to help others!
To get involved, go to
Check your local listings for “Welcome Home” on the CW, Saturdays and Sunday mornings.
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