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Don’t miss a BRAND NEW episode of The Women’s Eye podcast with Catherine Anaya as I talk with Catherine Scrivano, President of CASCO Financial Group in Phoenix, Arizona and a regular contributor to The Women’s Eye podcast about how to avoid financial blind spots.
This is our 300th episode of The Women’s Eye podcast and we are thrilled to share it with Catherine S. to talk about being cautious about financial blind spots that can be very costly.
There are financial areas that Catherine believes we should consider and plan for, such as setting realistic retirement goals; considering the cost of healthcare; the possible need for long term care and a potential loss income.
“We can be prepared for these blind spots. We have the information and we have the expectation, but for some reason we just don’t acknowledge them, sometimes until it’s too late,” Scrivano says.
Many people hit a financial blind spot when the pandemic struck, losing jobs and income. It happened so quickly, many simply weren’t prepared.
Catherine will walk us through several examples of these blind spots, what you should know about them and how to better prepare yourself to avoid them.
She urges us to keep a strategy in place and not rush to do something that might end up being a bad choice.
Making decisions that hurt in the long wrong is not a good way to operate, she says. Ask yourself the important questions about money for the long term.
Don’t miss her timely financial advice on the next episode of The Women’s Eye podcast.
Catherine believes…
you don’t have to be wealthy to be wise!
For more information about Catherine Scrivano and CASCO Financial, check out:
- Website: CascoFinancial.com
- Facebook: CASCO Financial Group
- Twitter: @CASCOFinancial
For more helpful tips and advice from Catherine Scrivano, take a look at this post on How Covid-19 Can Impact Your Financial Future:
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