UPDATE: As we celebrate Earth Day 2022, we wanted to make sure you had the chance to listen and watch Stacey Gualandi’s chat with Paola Gianturco whose book, COOL, is the first to document the work of women climate leaders globally. Hopefully, COOL will be published by June. Like a lot of items, it has been delayed by shipping and logistical problems. Their chat happened last fall but it is relevant at this time when all eyes are on how we can preserve and protect our planet. (Photo above: Paola Gianturco and co-author/granddaughter Avery Sangster)
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Don’t miss a BRAND NEW episode of The Women’s Eye podcast with Stacey Gualandi and award-winning photographer, documentarian and bestselling author Paola Gianturco about COOL: Women Leaders Reversing Global Warming, her seventh book.
Paola Gianturco’s dedication to women’s issues has led her around the globe and given her the opportunity to document women’s lives in over 60 countries.
I have been fortunate to interview Paola for her two previous books: Grandmother Power and Wonder Girls, and consider her a special member of The Women’s Eye family.
Our new interview couldn’t be more timely as the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) is now taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, through November 12th.
According to new research, Paola says women are especially effective at changing the environment for the better. So she — along with her granddaughter Avery Sangster — compiled COOL, the first photographic book to chronicle the work of female climate leaders globally and show us the way to a livable planet.
Each woman profiled shares her ideas about how we can all be effective climate leaders, women like Clover Moore, the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Australia, who has planted more than 13,000 trees.
She also installed more than 4,000 rooftop solar panels across government properties; changed street lights to LEDs; advocated for using public transport; upgraded the city’s fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles; and added bike lanes.
No wonder Sydney was Australia’s first city to be certified as carbon neutral. That happened in 2011, years and years before their 2030 target date,” says Paola.
Paola and her co-author and granddaughter Avery Sangster have made their own personal climate plan, and with COOL, we can too.
Tune in for tangible tips on how we can cut the amount of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere and/or take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
It’s easier than you think. And that’s pretty cool. 😉
Since the book won’t be out (hopefully) until April 22, 2022 (Earth Day), there’s another way you can access the leaders’ ideas right now. Just go to the project website: COOLReversingGlobalWarming.com
Click on the ACT! tab, and you’ll see all the women leaders’ suggestions for climate action!
COOL is now available for pre-order at BarnesandNoble.com.
To learn more about Paola, check out:
Website: paolagianturcoauthor.com
Instagram: @paolagianturcoauthor
Facebook: @paolagianturcoauthor
Twitter: @paolagianturco
Photos: Courtesy Paola Gianturco
Want to read more about global warming? Check out Pat Caso’s chat with polar photographer Camille Seaman, her award-winning photos and own warning about the urgency to protect the planet.
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