20 Women Changemakers
Taking Action Around the World
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Do You Want to Change the World?
It begins with one person, often one ordinary woman, who sees a need, finds a way to fill it and ends up doing extraordinary things to make a positive difference.
We are veteran broadcasters and journalists who started The Women’s Eye to shine the light on these special changemakers and bring them to you. The website began as a place to celebrate people around the world who were taking action.
It turned into a radio program featuring intrepid impacters from all walks of life making inspiring contributions to humanity. And now it’s evolved into a book featuring twenty remarkable women who will amaze you with their ideas, fortitude and grit.
They tell you how they did it,
and what it takes to make an impact!
The Team:
The Women Behind the Book
We are friends, fellow broadcasters and journalists who have worked together in some cases for many years. Our backgrounds are varied, but a common thread is that we all care deeply about telling the stories of people who are solving problems and improving the lives of others. We want to spread their messages of hope and optimism.
Co-Editors Pamela and Patricia have had several decades of experience producing and creating a variety of network and cable programs, many of which have been aimed at a female audience. Our radio hosts Catherine and Stacey are multi-talented television personalities who have won awards for their skills on camera and in the field.
Our team continues to expand as we discover more fearless changemakers. Farzana Ali in Pakistan found Gulalai Ismail, the founder of Aware Girls; Amy Ernst discovered Maman Marie Nzoli fighting for women in Congo.

About the Book
From Empowerment to Advocacy

Photo: Roseanna Means, Founder
Health Care Without Walls with a Clinic Patient
In light of the myriad of problems around the world, we asked ourselves what does it take to make an impact and improve the lives and well-being of people globally. To answer that question, we searched to find women who were making positive change and coming up with answers. It became very encouraging when the more we looked, the more fearless people we found. Their stories were fascinating; their commitment unwavering.
“This book was my antidote against feeling overwhelmed and impotent at the state of the world. These 20 exceptional “women next door” prove that change happens in increments—from the seed of an idea, passion or an injustice. It proves again the power of women to heal, unite and take action.”
-Lee Woodruff, Journalist and New York Times Bestselling Co-Author of
“In an Instant” and Author of “Perfectly Imperfect” and “Those We Love the Most”
Excerpts from the Book
Doniece Sandoval’s Lava Mae Brings Showers
and Dignity to the Homelessrom Empowerment to Advocacy
Eye: I understand that you went without a shower for a full week so that you could experience what many homeless go through?
Doniece: I am a bit of a clean freak, so it was a challenge for me not to take a bath, step in a shower and fully wipe the day’s grime off… When I finally got to shower, about a minute into the water hitting me, I started to cry. I realized that part of me had disconnected and shut down. Being in a shower felt warm, protective and restorative. It was a very emotional experience.
Eye: Were you prepared to navigate all the issues?
Doniece: I don’t think I quite knew what I was undertaking. I started by knocking on doors of non-profits, to find out if this was even a reasonable idea.

Don’t worry about the “what ifs.” Dare to make an impact. Get Inspired!
What People Are Saying
“An extraordinary book about extraordinary women.”
-Kathy Magliato, World Famous Neurosurgeon
and New York Times Bestselling Author
“There is nothing more inspiring to me than to hear the stories of women from around the world, leading from a place of confidence and purpose to create change.”
-Pernille Spiers-Lopez, Former President
“I came away with a renewed sense of wanting to do and be more.”
-Lisa See, New York Times Bestselling Author