Don’t miss a BRAND NEW episode of The Women’s Eye podcast as I talk with Catherine Scrivano, President of Casco Financial Group in Phoenix, Arizona about doing a deep spring cleaning of our financial records during these uncertain times.
As we remain quarantined due to COVID-19, people are looking for ways to make the best use of their time, which in many cases, includes becoming more organized.
Catherine tells me why becoming financially organized right now is as important as ever.
She breaks down what records, receipts and documents we should be holding onto, for how long and why.
Catherine also has great suggestions for dividing your records into categories, which include short-term, medium-term and long-term.
Catherine shared more terrific ideas about paperless banking and virtual vaults. Hope this helps you clean out your financial closet!
Catherine is a regular contributor to The Women’s Eye podcast. She founded her business to help people create the financial strength needed for achieving their dreams and building money power.
You can check out the vidcast of our talk right here.
For more information about Catherine Scrivano:
Facebook: @cascofinancialgroup
Twitter: @CASCOFinancial
For more financial insight, check out more TWE podcasts with Catherine including this one:
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