René Marsh is on a personal mission. The longtime journalist and CNN correspondent is using her voice and her gift of writing to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research after the devastating loss of her young son Blake to brain cancer. She’s our special guest on this episode The Women’s Eye podcast with Catherine Anaya.
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René’s the author of a new, beautiful children’s book, The Miracle Workers: Boy vs. Beast, that is inspiring not only in its message but in its mission.

Blake was just 9-months-old when he was first diagnosed. René tells me about writing The Miracle Workers during the months she spent in the hospital for Blake’s cancer treatments and why she says it’s a story about hope and faith for every child.

Blake’s photo: Courtesy René Marsh
“The bond that I had with Blake, my first and only child, was the deepest, purest type of love. He just lit up our home, our family and really anywhere. He was always smiling. If you look through all the photos for Blake from diagnosis to the end, we have a lot of him smiling,” says René.
René Marsh discusses:
The mission behind the book: raising money for—and awareness of—pediatric cancer and research.
Her frustrations that billions of dollars are spent on cancer research, but just 4% is spent on pediatric cancer research.
How she is hoping to change that with the proceeds from this book and by sharing Blake’s cancer journey, to help keep other children and families from experiencing this loss.
How Blake was a spirited, joyful little boy who loved to read, and how she was able to share The Miracle Workers with him.

Don’t miss this powerful conversation about how one woman is making it her life’s mission to honor her son, make a change and how you can help in her fight.
“I draw my will to keep going from my deep love for Blake. I have no place else to put it other than to do what I am doing today to make a difference in my corner of the world,” says René.
You do not want to miss this episode of The Women’s Eye podcast.
To learn more about René Marsh and The Miracle Workers: Boy vs. Beast book:
Instagram: rene_marshcnn
Facebook: @TheMiracleWorkersbook
Website: renemarsh.com
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation
Get the Book: The Miracle Workers
To Donate: BlakeStarFund.org
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