Handbags made out of old VHS tapes?
Who would ever think to recycle these tapes into purses? This article on 2space.net piece gives credit to designer Lucrecia Lovera above. I have piles of these old tapes around my house and wonder: Why I didn’t think of that?
Laptops and Soon Dresses
Not only is Lucrecia designing bags, but laptop cases, and soon dresses. Reuters produced a video you’ll see in this Huffington Post piece showing how she does it. Her first idea was to use audio tapes, but she says they were the wrong color–brown. Then she went on eBay and found 500 videotapes for sale.
The rest is history. The company making these unique items is retape and the concept fascinating. The idea is to combine modern, obsolete material with traditional handcrafting techniques. Every bag is made from a different movie tape.
Anything is possible!
Reuters says she spends 6 hours to make a handbag. Sometimes she adds leather. So start looking around your house for items that you would never dream of recycling and put them to use. If videotapes can be made into purses, anything is possible!
And once you see the incredible video above, you’ll know see what 3000 vhs tapes can do. Think of what Lucrecia could make with these!
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